The Bible (Latin American Version)
(Mini/ Marriage/ index Versions availability may vary)
Price: $25.00 Available: St. Anthony Claret Religious Store
The Catholic Teen Bible (English & Spanish Version)
(English Version availiability may vary)
Price: $15.00 Available: St. Anthony Claret Religious Store
The Beginnners Bible (English & Spanish Version)
Price: $22.00 Available: St. Anthony Claret Religious Store
Catechism of the Catholic Church (English & Spanish Version)
Price: $15.00 Available: St. Anthony Claret Religious Store
Rosaries (Various)
(Wooden / Metallic / Glass / Colored beads)
Price: Price Will Vary Available: St. Anthony Claret Religious Store
***Rosary Booklets, "How to Pray the Rosary", are available to purchase alongside Rosaries
Baptism Candles (Blue/ Pink/ White)
(Available as single candles or Sets that include: Rosary, Clamshell, Candle)
Price: Price Will Vary Available: St. Anthony Claret Religious Store
Our Lady of Guadalupe Face Masks
(Different Styles availability may vary)
Price: $5.00 Available: Please call the Parish Office to purchase
Picture Cards (Photos By: Fr. Guilherme Andrino)
1 pack of 12 Picture Cards, each with different pictures on them.
Price: $15.00 Available: Please call the Parish Office OR After each Weekend Mass