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We're excited to launch the 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal! Watch Bishop David O'Connell's message as he shares how your generositywill Fan the Flame of Hope across our Diocese. Join us at all Masses this weekend to make your pledge as we begin this important campaign. As Pilgrims of Hope, we're called to share Christ's love through action. Your gift supports esstial ministries that serve thousands across our Diocese - from youth education to family support services. 


Make a Donation Here: 

View Video In English

Goal: $53,000.00

Pledged: $8,408.00 (16% of Goal)

Paid: $7,860.00 (15% of Goal)

Total Donors: 56

Average Gift: $137.84



Ver Video en Español

Nuestro Objectivo: $53,000

Prometido Hasta Ahora: $8,408.00 (16% del objectivo)

Pagado: $7,860 (15% del objectivo)

Donantes en Total: 56

Regalos Prometido: $137.84



Zobacz wideo w języku polskim

Cel: $53,000.00

Obiecane: $8,408.00  (16% celu)

Wpłacone: $7,860 (15% celu)

Dawcy: 56

Średni dar: $137.84



AdorationOur parish will be having the Adoration of the Blessing Sacrament from Monday to Saturday (6am-8:30am) At Saint Mary of the Lake Church (43 Madison Ave. Lakewood. NJ) as well as Tuesday to Friday (5PM-7PM) at Saint Anthony Claret (780 Ocean Ave. Lakewood, NJ).

Come and spend some quiet time with the Lord.
Nuestra parroquia tendrá la Adoración del Santisimo Sacramento de lunes a sábado (6 a. m. a 8:30 a. m.) en la Iglesia de Santa María del Lago (43 Madison Ave. Lakewood. NJ) tambien martes a viernes (5PM-7PM) en San Antonio Claret (780 Ocean Ave. Lakewood, NJ)
Ven y pasa un tiempo en silencio con el Señor.

Nasza parafia będzie prowadzić Adorację Najświętszego Sakramentu od poniedziałku do soboty (6AM-8:30AM) w kościele Saint Mary of the Lake (43 Madison Ave. Lakewood, NJ) oraz od wtorku do piątku (5PM-7PM) w kościele Saint Anthony Claret (780 Ocean Ave. Lakewood, NJ).

Przyjdź i spędź trochę cichego czasu z Panem.






Eucharistic Adoration 

Mon. - Sat. from 6:30-8:30AM in St. Mary of the Lake

Tues. - Fri. from 5:00PM-7PM in St. Anthony Claret


Via Crucis Practice



White Building at Holy Family

Edificio Blanco de Sagrada Familia


Bilingual (English & Spanish) Parent Support Group

Meeting Weekly: March 12 until May 7


St. Anthony Claret

Registration & Information: Jose Madrigal (732) 349-3535 ext. 738

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Esperanza en Nuestro Corazón// Hope in Our

 Sabado, 29 de marzo

9:30AM - 3PM (Optional 8:30M start)

St. John Vianney High School

Holmdel, NJ

Register Here!!

The Diocese of Trenton's 23rd Annual Celebration of Law Enforcement

Tuesday, April 1, 2025


St. Robert Bellarmine Co-Cathedral

Luncheon Ticket: $20

"Maki" Folk Dance Gala Concert 

Sunday, April 6, 2025

The Strand Theater Lakewood


Admission: $20

Contact: 732-766-7786


Catholic Daughter's Right to Life Baby Shower

April 10, 2025


Via Crucis por las Almas del Purgatorio

Sabado, 12 de abril de 2025


Cementerio de Santa Maria del Lago

Informacion: Maria Bravo: (917) 684-5757

OLG Wish List

Dear Parishioners,

I want to take a look again at the small and big projects that are going on in the Parish to improve the different facilities.

Thank you to all those who have so generously collaborated and contributed to support the parish through your special gifts. Because of your past generosity we have been able to accomplish many wonderful improvements at all of our church locations. From the beginning of our Wish List campaign until now we have received approximately $50,000 towards the projects listed in our past bulletins.

We have accomplished these projects:

-The Bells at all the Churches

-Security Cameras (SML & SAC)

-Streaming Mass Equipment

-The Roof (SML)

-The Bell Tower (SML)

-The St. Joseph Alcove (SML)

-Our Lady of Guadalupe Picture Portrait (HF)

Some parishioners gave money toward other things that we needed to address so we have also been able to:

-Update the phone system (SAC)

-Emergency lights and electrical work and other Fire Marshall required repairs (SAC)

-Demolition of the old Knights of Columbus Hall (SAC)

We are very grateful for those who are willing to donate. Now we have new and some bigger projects and we can go forward together to accomplish them.

Below I have included some of the items & projects- through partial donation OR in full. Thank you for your support and generosity.

 Parish Needs


 Processional  Canopy for each location

$2,518  *1 has been donated!

 Sound System Equipment 

 $25,000 (SML) / $13,000 (SAC) 

 Parking Lot Repaving for each location

$200,000 *HFC & part of SAC is already finished! Thank you for all donations!

 Light Post Parking Lot (SAC)


 New Parish Signs (3 Sites)



We also would like to thank all who donated toward the Window Coverings for the Greenville Church (The Little White Church).

They have offically been installed!!!


If you would like you can check out our Wish List on Amazon!

 OLG Qr code template

Parish Office: St.Mary of the Lake
MON- FRI : 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

                    1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
**The office will be closed from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM for lunch**
(732) 363-0139
43 Madison Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Parish Office: St.Anthony Claret
MON- FRI : 12:00 PM – 6:30 PM
(732) 367-8486
780 Ocean Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Religious Education Office 
MON- THURS : 2:00 PM – 7:30PM 
(732) 363-0139  Ex.(232)
1139 East County Line Rd, Lakewood, NJ 08701 
Cemetery & Mausoleum Office:
MON – FRI  : 9AM - 3PM

1 Honey Locust Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701

Weekday Mass
St. Mary of The Lake Church
MONDAY - SATURDAY: 9:00 AM - English
St. Anthony Claret Church
TUESDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 PM - Spanish
Weekend Mass
Holy Family Church
04:00 PM - English
St. Anthony Claret Church
05:00 PM - Spanish
Holy Family Church
08:00 AM - English
12:30 PM - Spanish
03:00 PM - Spanish
St. Anthony Claret Church
10:30 AM - Spanish
St. Mary of the Lake Church
09:30 AM - Polish
11:30 AM - English

English/ Polish Confessions:
St. Mary of the Lake Church:   
THURSDAY     3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
THURSDAY:    6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
English ONLY Confessions:
St. Mary of the Lake Church
FRIDAY            8:00 AM - 8:45 AM 
Spanish Confessions:
St. Anthony Claret Church:       
SATURDAY      4:00 PM - 5:00 PM