We're excited to launch the 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal! Watch Bishop David O'Connell's message as he shares how your generositywill Fan the Flame of Hope across our Diocese. Join us at all Masses this weekend to make your pledge as we begin this important campaign. As Pilgrims of Hope, we're called to share Christ's love through action. Your gift supports esstial ministries that serve thousands across our Diocese - from youth education to family support services.
Make a Donation Here: https://dioceseoftrenton.org/aca-donate-page
View Video In English
Goal: $53,000.00
Pledged: $8,408.00 (16% of Goal)
Paid: $7,860.00 (15% of Goal)
Total Donors: 56
Average Gift: $137.84
Ver Video en Español
Nuestro Objectivo: $53,000
Prometido Hasta Ahora: $8,408.00 (16% del objectivo)
Pagado: $7,860 (15% del objectivo)
Donantes en Total: 56
Regalos Prometido: $137.84
Zobacz wideo w języku polskim
Cel: $53,000.00
Obiecane: $8,408.00 (16% celu)
Wpłacone: $7,860 (15% celu)
Dawcy: 56
Średni dar: $137.84