There will be a mass at St. Mary of the Lake Church; Monday, May 29, 2023, at 9:00AM. It will be offered in remembrance of all who died in the line of duty. You are cordially invited to join us for this special liturgy. 

Reminder: The parish office will be closed that day!

Lakewood Township will be having its anual Memorial Day Parade as well at 10:15AM. The parade is a wonderful opportunity for the entire community to demonstrate their support for our esteemed veterans and our selfless men and women currently in the service both here and abroad. 

Please be advised that bus transportation will be available to transport the marchers from the lake back to the starting point of the parade.

Please call Cori at the rectory if you would like to join us in the parade!

732-363-0139 ext. 409


Misa y Desfile del Día Memorial

La misa será en la Iglesia Santa María del Lago; lunes 29 de mayo, a las 9:00AM. La misa se ofrecerá a todos los miembros de las fuerzas armadas que han dado sus vidas para su servicio. Usted está cordialmente invitado a estar con nosotros en esta liturgia especial.

AVISO: La oficina parroquial estará cerrada ese día.

El Munipal de Lakewood tendrá su  defile anual tabién a las 10:15AM. El desfile es una maravillosa oportunidad para demonstrar su apoyo a nuestros veteranos estimados y nuestros hombres y mujeres en el servicio aquí y en todos partes del mundo.

Tendremos transporte en autobús disponible que puede llevar a los marchadores dese el lago hasta el lugar de inicio del desfile.

¡Por favor, llama a Cori en la oficina parroquial si desea estar con nosotros en el desfile!

732-363-0139 ext. 409

Parish Office: St.Mary of the Lake
MON- FRI : 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

                    1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
**The office will be closed from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM for lunch**
(732) 363-0139
43 Madison Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Parish Office: St.Anthony Claret
MON- FRI : 12:00 PM – 6:30 PM
(732) 367-8486
780 Ocean Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701
Religious Education Office 
MON- THURS : 2:00 PM – 7:30PM 
(732) 363-0139  Ex.(232)
1139 East County Line Rd, Lakewood, NJ 08701 
Cemetery & Mausoleum Office:
MON – FRI  : 9AM - 3PM

1 Honey Locust Drive, Lakewood, NJ 08701

Weekday Mass
St. Mary of The Lake Church
MONDAY - SATURDAY: 9:00 AM - English
St. Anthony Claret Church
TUESDAY - FRIDAY: 7:00 PM - Spanish
Weekend Mass
Holy Family Church
04:00 PM - English
St. Anthony Claret Church
05:00 PM - Spanish
Holy Family Church
08:00 AM - English
12:30 PM - Spanish
03:00 PM - Spanish
St. Anthony Claret Church
10:30 AM - Spanish
St. Mary of the Lake Church
09:30 AM - Polish
11:30 AM - English

English/ Polish Confessions:
St. Mary of the Lake Church:   
THURSDAY     3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
THURSDAY:    6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
English ONLY Confessions:
St. Mary of the Lake Church
FRIDAY            8:00 AM - 8:45 AM 
Spanish Confessions:
St. Anthony Claret Church:       
SATURDAY      4:00 PM - 5:00 PM